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Young Adult Fiction Romance

Una estrella oscura y vacía (Astro 1) / A Dark and Hollow Star (Hollow Star 1)

by (author) Ashley Shuttleworth

Planeta Publishing Corp
Initial publish date
Jun 2024
Romance, Epic, Royalty, Survival Stories
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Jun 2024
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 14 to 18
  • Grade: 9 to 12


No hay nada más peligroso que un cuento de hadas


Elige a tu jugador:

Una mestiza: mitad fae, mitad humana. La oveja negra de una familia noble.

Una furia: impulsiva; busca venganza tras ser exiliada del reino inmortal.

Un príncipe fae: determinado a merecer el trono.

Un guardia real: sombrío y con un terrible secreto.

Durante siglos, las ocho cortes feéricas han vivido entre nosotros, ocultas gracias a su magia y bajo el juramento de no lastimar a los humanos. Este acuerdo ha mantenido la paz por mucho tiempo, hasta que una serie de asesinatos conmociona a la ciudad de Toronto y amenaza con exponer la existencia de los faes al mundo entero.

La clave para descubrir al misterioso asesino la tienen cuatro adolescentes que deberán formar una alianza poco común y evitar así la destrucción de los mundos fae y humano, mientras una guerra entre reinos se avecina.


Uno de estos adolescentes está destinado a inclinar la balanza… ¿qué bando elegirá?, ¿el de los humanos o el de los faes?


Deséales suerte. La necesitarán… y nosotros a ellos.




“Beautifully written and deliciously complex…I couldn’t get enough.” —Nicki Pau Preto, author of the Crown of Feathers series


The Cruel Prince meets City of Bones in this thrilling urban fantasy set in the magical underworld of Toronto that follows a queer cast of characters racing to stop a serial killer whose crimes could expose the hidden world of faeries to humans.


Choose your player:


The “ironborn” half-fae outcast of her royal fae family.

A tempestuous Fury, exiled to earth from the Immortal Realm and hellbent on revenge.

A dutiful fae prince, determined to earn his place on the throne.

The prince’s brooding guardian, burdened with a terrible secret.


For centuries, the Eight Courts of Folk have lived among us, concealed by magic and bound by law to do no harm to humans. This arrangement has long kept peace in the Courts—until a series of gruesome and ritualistic murders rocks the city of Toronto and threatens to expose faeries to the human world.


Four queer teens, each who hold a key piece of the truth behind these murders, must form a tenuous alliance in their effort to track down the mysterious killer behind these crimes. If they fail, they risk the destruction of the faerie and human worlds alike. If that’s not bad enough, there’s a war brewing between the Mortal and Immortal Realms, and one of these teens is destined to tip the scales. The only question is: which way?


Wish them luck. They’re going to need it.



About the author

Ashley Shuttleworth escribe libros juveniles de fantasía. Se graduó en Literatura Inglesa y tiene una pequeña obsesión con The Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts y Final Fantasy. Actualmente vive en Ontario, Canadá, con su gato Zack y con una colección de espadas para cosplay que está en constante crecimiento.


Ashley Shuttleworth is a young adult fantasy author with a degree in English literature and a slight obsession with The Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy. They currently live in Ontario, Canada, with their cat named Zack and a growing collection of cosplay swords. You can find them online at

Ashley Shuttleworth's profile page

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